File FAFSA for free. We can help.

Get the help you need to file 

with our free services.

We are planning for spring events!

The FAFSA was released at the end of November.

Apply Nevada FAFSA Completion Workshops will be scheduled beginning in December through March.

Check with your high school counselors for dates and times at your high school.

Upcoming Workshops at the NSHE Institutions

CSN West Charleston, March 26

3:00pm – 4:30pm

Building C Room 114.

UNLV In-Person Workshop, April 8th

5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Office of Admissions, SSC-B

CSN North Las Vegas, April 10th

3:00 PM – 4:30 PM

Building C – Room 2658

CSN West Charleston, April 16

3:00pm – 4:30pm

Building C Room 114

CSN Henderson, April 23rd

3:00 PM – 4:30 PM

Building C, Room 117

Check back for updates in the coming weeks!


To prepare for the upcoming FAFSA Completion Workshops, you can watch these videos and create your FSA ID/Student Aid Account. NOTE: accounts must be created prior to completing the FAFSA. One of your parents/contributors may also need to create an account in order to file the FAFSA.

Create your FSA ID
Image linked to Federal Student Aid webpage
Determine dependency
Find contributors