Nevada FAFSA Challenge

What is the Challenge

Together with partners from the Clark County School District, the Treasurer’s Office, the Nevada Association of Financial Aid Administrators (NAFAA), Apply Nevada, UNR, UNLV, and CSN, the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) is pleased to announce the first-ever Nevada FAFSA completion competition, the Nevada FAFSA Challenge!

Click the button below to download the Nevada FAFSA Challenge flyer.

What's in it for You?

The eligible high school with the highest increase in FAFSA completions, year-over-year, will win $1,000 and a banner to display their accomplishment.

In addition, any school that achieves a 100% completion rate will be recognized at an upcoming NSHE Board of Regents meeting. Current completion rates can be viewed on the National College Attainment Network (NCAN) website.

How Long?

Competition runs from January 1, 2025 – March 31, 2025. As long as your school is eligible to participate by March 31st, you will be able to participate in the competition.

Who is Eligible?

To be eligible, Nevada high schools that are enrolled in the NSHE FAFSA Completion Initiative for federal student level FAFSA completion data, are eligible to participate in the competition. 

Below is a list of current school or district participants. If your school is not listed, talk to your principal about receiving this important data that will help you to provide meaningful assistance to your students! If you would like more information about the NSHE FAFSA Completion Initiative for federal student level FAFSA completion data, please contact Ashley Salisbury at

A single winner will be selected by the Nevada FAFSA Challenge planning committee (All decisions are final)

Participating Schools and Districts

If your school is not listed, check with your principal or superintendent to see if you can get signed up and contact Ashley Salisbury at for more information!